Wednesday 6 June 2018

Apples speech in assembly

I was asked along with Maddy,Deklyn,Heidi. to do this speech we said this speech in our whole school assembly.

Kepler class has won the apple competition with new World for term 2. Every week we get 60 apples - for free…. royale gayla, eve, granny smith, ambrosia. Yum yum.

You can only eat so many apples so we had to find different ways of using them….

  • Baking - apple pie, apple crumble, toffee apples, spiced apple muffins …. And we bring in some for the teachers to try EVERY DAY! *Heidi & Maddy

  • Maths - making apple arrays in multiplication, calculating how much they cost and weigh, divided apples by classes……. There is a lot of maths with apples!.

  • Charity - we looked at who we could share our apples with…. The Ellesmere Food Bank. They came and collected 60 apples and heaps of big cans of baked beans so they can give them to people with no food.

We have a good idea that you could help with…..
This is a box that will be in the office, that you could put feijoas or other fruit off your trees, veggies from your garden or spare cans of food. The Food Bank will come by and collect it.   

Winning all our apples has reminded us that we need to share with other people.

Ban Fortnite for kids!

Should Fortnite be banned for kids?
No it should not be banned because they can stay safe if the follow these rules from a cyber safety expert John Parsons.

You should play online games in your living room because your bedroom is private. Parents need to know you are playing or something bad could happen.  

Never play with strangers because your can never know who they truly are. This is a 12+ game and could be dangerous if you don't follow these rules.                          

Keep your chin up and be in control of your information in the Internet.

1. Don't talk about anything other than the game.
2. If people are rude - never respond.
3. Never share your personal details online. 
Teacher Whaea Allana thinks that it is up to parents to make this decision with their children but the 12+ age limit is there for a reason. 

So as you can see, while some people are worried about safety on Fortnite, if you follow these rules, you should be able to keep your personal details safe online. 

By Max (Byline)